[9.2023] Congratulations to Sony Annem winning the Munroe Undergraduate Student Research Grant -!!
[5.2023] Congratulations to Kevin Hayes winning the Dean’s List Honoree in 2023 Spring!
[5.2023] Congratulations to Sean Edwards for winning the Provost Student Excellence Awards 2023!!
[4.2023] Congratulations to Sonny Annem winning the Graudate Showcase 2024!
[4.2023] I will attend the Workshop on ECG Informatics in Precision Medicine (Wake Forest Uniersity, Apr 27th)!
[4.2023] I appeared on Fox 8 News, talking about how to use Artificial Intelligence!
[3.2023] Our paper “EvidenceMap: a three-level knowledge representation for medical evidence computation and comprehension” was accepted by JAMIA (IF: 7.942)!
[11.2022] I will make a presentation in the conference “2022 AI-Enhanced Clinical Trials” (Boston, MA)!
[8.2022] I have joined the department of Computer Science at University of North Carolina Greensboro this fall!
[3.2022] Our paper “Combining Human and Machine Intelligence for Clinical Trial Eligibility Querying” was accepted by JAMIA directly without any revision!
[9.2021] Our paper is accepted by the International Journal of Medical Informatics (IJMI) (IF:3.21)!
[8.2021] Our paper is accepted by MEDINFO 2021!
[7.2021] Our paper is accepted by the Applied Clinical Informatics (ACI) (IF: 2.405)!
[4.2021] Two papers got accepted by the Journal of Biomedical Informatics (JBI) (IF: 3.526)!